How do I know when my car needs service?

You should have your car or truck serviced at regular intervals, typically at about every 5,000 miles or every six months. Regular service is the best way to keep your repair bills low since it will let your mechanic catch minor issues before they become major problems.

You can find out when you need regular service by:

  • Consult your owners manual for regular service as well as larger service appointments such as your 30,000, 60,000, 90,000, and other scheduled maintenance.
  • Most newer vehicles have internal calendar and alerts that will give you a reminder on your dash or infotainment system. These are a great way to ensure you get in for your service on time.
  • If you usually have your service done by us at Turn Key Auto Repair you’ll have a sticker in your window with recommended return date and milage.
  • Lastly, if you notice anything odd in terms of noise or handling it is good to get into the shop.
Category: Frequently Asked Car Repair Questions
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